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Dottorato in Industrial Engineering

The PhD is the highest level of education provided by italian academic system and it offers the skills necessary to carry out high quality research activities at universities and public or private entities. The degree program has a normal duration of three years. The PhD academic year starts on November the 1st and ends on October the 31st. The University encourages the participation of foreign students and relationships with the socio-economic and productive system.

Inizio: 21.07.2021

Durata: 3 anni

Sede: Pisa, c/o Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale

N° Iscritti (min): 6 iscritti

N° Iscritti (max): 10 iscritti

Modalità di erogazione:  didattica

Finanziamenti: NO

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 Tecnologie Abilitanti:

Descrizione del corso:

The PhD Program in Industrial Engineering is divided into five different curricula, to take into account the vastness, variety and complexity of the theoretical, methodological and experimental research themes it contains. The common objective of the different curricula is to train experts with a high scientific profile, able to operate in the research and development of various areas of Industrial Engineering. The curricula are differentiated in terms of characterizing research subjects such as structures and aerospace materials, fluid dynamics, flight mechanics, space propulsion (curriculum in Aerospace Engineering), application of nuclear technology, safety methodologies and environmental protection (curriculum in Nuclear Engineering and Industrial Safety), chemistry and materials, sustainable development, safety and optimization of systems, energy production processes with renewable energy (curriculum in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science), advanced planning, experimentation, production, management, life extension or recycle of machines, plants and mechanical systems (curriculum in Mechanical Engineering), project, experimentation, building and employment of terrestrial vehicles and transport systems (curriculum in Engineering of Vehicles and Transport Systems).

• apertura / scadenza domande di iscrizione: concorso di ammissione con data variabile (t0 = aprile-maggio, scadenza = t0+ 1mese). Le date sono pubblicate annualmente sul sito del dottorato di unipi (

Azienda erogatrice: 

Università di Pisa - UNIPI

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